God is Love
Using the finiteness of language to describe the Infinite seems audacious, naïve, even ludicrous. Nonetheless, as a writer it’s my primary tool to describe God. That and my actions. Musicians, visual artists, sages and teachers or any person anywhere might use other mediums or methods to describe God, but for me it’s in the Word.
Though I’ve come to understand, it’s not really God I’m trying to describe, but my relationship with God. It’s attributes, characteristics and quality. Our reality is always in relation to others. Family and friends, strangers and even those we call enemies. This includes people who have passed and those who will arrive. Our reality is never I alone, at a minimum it’s always a plus one.
We are subjects in relation to other subjects and to the objects that surround us. God the one constant and consistent relation to every subject and every object. Our Creator and Connector to the Cosmos.
God is my primary relationship with the spiritual and the supernatural because God is the Infinite . A world I know exists, but I can’t fully perceive because of my own space and time limitations. Truth I dismissed and doubted because of my own hubris and finitude.
It’s like describing the wind. You can’t see it, but you still experience it. There is a connection, a relationship. You can see how its interacts and effects everything in the world it encounters including you. Every subject and object on land or sea forever changed by an invisible force of energy we still don’t really understand.
Describing God is exactly like describing any relationship in my life. Employing words, sharing stories and utilizing metaphors in my attempt to describe my relationship with the Divine. God is a living relationship. A relationship whose core essence is pure unpolluted Love.
A relationship I’m trying to nurture like I do with all my relationships. Sharing what’s in my heart, articulating my beliefs through my actions and communicating with other people how God has impacted my life and the lives of others. All in my attempt to describe a finite relationship with the Infinite.
As absurd as this may seem to some people to nurture a relationship with the Divine, including past Don, the Infinite lives in every finite human heart. Relationships are what animate our lives. They frame a reality for our ego and provide the foundation for our values. This is why God has become my primary relationship.
Language, lyrics and love should all be used to describe your relationship with the Eternal, our ultimate reality. God is continually present in this life, in what was and in what will follow. The one and only relationship that’s always worth celebrating, cultivating and committing too. God is Love and God loves you. Your relationship with God is your ultimate love story. Mine too.