Don’s Daily Devotion
A scarred heart reveals a heart that has loved.
Don’s Daily Devotion
God is about saving your life, Evil is about taking it.
Don’s Daily Devotion
When you feel lost, just remember that the destination is Love.
Don’s Daily Devotion
God created the everything out of the nothing.
Don’s Daily Devotion
Because God knows our hearts, God knows our motives.
Don’s Daily Devotion
The Truth sets us free, not any government or institution.
Don’s Daily Devotion
Strengthening faith is both an individual and group exercise.
Don’s Daily Devotion
Extend the same amount of grace to others that you require from God.
Don’s Daily Devotion
Evil seeks to sever us from God and separate us from one another.
Don’s Daily Devotion
Always address your own shortfalls first. That should keep all of us busy.