Making Time About Something More Than Space
Like everything in Creation, God created us; you and me. Creatures crafted from clay and conceived through Divine breath. God commanding the nothingness to become somethingness. Life as we know it and a life that will be made known. Planted in paradise, humanity found itself amidst the Divine. A rupture in the relationship when man…
Read MoreWhy Context is Critical and Intention is Everything
It’s a cold, gray and rainy day and I couldn’t be happier. This melancholy message might seem like a strange sentence to script, but I live in Vegas; and it’s been over 200 days since we’ve had rain; almost seven months. An ashen atmosphere dropping dust infused droplets on a hard and harsh habitat. Streetlights…
Read MoreWhat I Learned About God While Writing My Memoir
In June 2022, I found myself unemployed for the second time in my life. Both times happening in my fifties. In both instances, my role’s elimination was explained using elusive corporate double speak, like I used when I laid off people; when I ran the show or at least believed I did. The first…
Read MoreFaith Isn’t A Fairytale
In one of the three fairy tale versions of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, a juvenile offender named Goldilocks trespasses and enters the home of, you guessed it, three bears. Eating food that doesn’t belong to her, breaking furniture that doesn’t belong to her and sleeping in a bed that doesn’t belong to her; poor…
Read MoreWhy I Write: A Reminder to Myself
I never intended to spend my “retirement” years reflecting and writing about my faith and modern-day American culture. Instead, I assumed I would spend my second adult life just like my corporate adult years. Denying the reality of God, continuing to make my life only about me, and following the rules of the Empire to…
Read MoreLet’s Get Spiritual: Five Exercises to Nourish Your Soul
In the desert darkness of winter, the Light of the world appeared to me and my burdens were lifted. My life’s purpose clear as I came to embrace the Truth. This Prodigal child welcomed back into his Father’s fold. A soul no longer in isolation. A soul in restoration. This February, twenty-two to be…
Read MoreEmpire Medals: Why the Pursuit of Worldly Prizes Means Nothing
Last week President Biden awarded nineteen recipients with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. The Nation’s highest civilian honor, presented to individuals who have made exemplary contributions to the prosperity, values, or security of the United States, world peace, or other significant societal, public or private endeavors. As one might expect, there was “outrage” from those…
Read MoreOur Spiritual Revival: Once More About 2024
It’s late afternoon on NYE 2024. Half the world has already welcomed 2025 with pyrotechnics, paper mâché and prayers. Those of us in the western hemisphere will catch-up shortly; a matter of hours as the earth spins once more around the sun. Marking a new year only because we’ve collectively agreed on this human centric…
Read MoreSo, This is Christmas at Fifty-Eight
I love the Christmas season. It’s a sensual spectacle for my soul. The yummy treats that appear only once a year, even if my appetite for them is a year-round event. The power of light to pierce the short December days and even longer December nights. The glorious music. The profane and holy, both speaking…
Read MoreBuying, Moving and Owning Nothing
For the last three weeks of my life, everything has been about moving, money and materials. Cardboard boxes, clear packaging tape and cylinders of bubble wrap. The latter as much for the cat as it is for those items we’ve deemed fragile. Our cat not among the fragile, but the treasured. Navigating a regulatory real…
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