When I Was That Yankee Doodle Boy

A man standing in front of the lincoln memorial.

Like so many school musical productions that year, we would entertain our parents and guests chronicling the history of America through music and melodies. Our evening of historical harmonies culminating with young and old standing shoulder to shoulder in the school’s gymnasium. A communal big tent of the working class and the middle class. Filling the air around and above as we sang “God Bless America”. A substantial and sincere celebratory of e pluribus unum.

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When Reality Becomes a Trigger Word

The road to hell might be paved with good intentions, but you won’t find that road on Facebook or its picture book cousin, Instagram. I recently experienced the power of their clandestine computer-driven algorithms with two recent back-to-back daily devotion posts (see above and below.) Going from several hundred views a day to seven. Weekday…

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A Good Man is a Great Man: A Father’s Day Tribute

It’s been eight months since my father’s passing. My family in quiet mourning. My heart silently grieving; particularly as Father’s Day approaches. Even though I know he is at peace, immersed in Love, my selfish heart finds little consolation in this ultimate truth of existence. I miss him and I want my father with me…

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