Know Your Worth

Know Your Worth

When I was a child, before adult responsibilities, I was told I was invaluable. There was no amount of money in the world that could ever replace me. A sentiment shared by the adults who surrounded my young life, a spoken sincerity shared by loving parents. With adult responsibilities came the realization that while this…

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My Life’s Meaning

My Life’s Meaning

For some people not knowing the meaning of life or more specifically the meaning of their life, is very unsettling. We try and escape this essential existential question with distractions and dead-end detours of all sorts (I did/do). The avoidance of death is easy when we’re young, healthy, and maybe even wealthy but the seasons…

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Death, Life and Goodbyes

Death, Life and Goodbyes

With the passing of my father, the sudden and unexpected death of a past partner and the seasonal evolution from autumn to winter, I’ve been thinking a lot about death. Asking for whom the bell tolls? Though I’ve come to realize it’s not really death I’m thinking about, it’s life and saying goodbye. The number…

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