Know Your Worth

When I was a child, before adult responsibilities, I was told I was invaluable. There was no amount of money in the world that could ever replace me. A sentiment shared by the adults who surrounded my young life, a spoken sincerity shared by loving parents.

With adult responsibilities came the realization that while this person named Don could never be exactly replaced, my responsibilities to the world could be by another person. Name TBD. Not only am I replaceable, but the world could put a dollar value on my life. The exact timing and nature of my death another TBD.     

Depending on period and place, my life has been worth over a million dollars, thousands of dollars or as of now zero dollars. My worth to the world based on the wealth I could generate for others, including those who are already wealthy. My worth to my world based on the wealth I would return to the world to quell my own fears or the fears of those I love. In less lyrical language, life insurance. Either term or permanent, both requiring my cadaver as proof to collect.   

While this may be the world’s truth, the God’s honest truth is we really don’t know the worth of human life or any life for that matter. We can’t truly understand something we didn’t create. We don’t actually create human life. Life and reproduction are not the same thing, and we certainly don’t know how to measure human life. Not even in daylights, in sunsets, in laughter, or in strife. Every human life is a season of Love. 

The breath of God is what animates all life. The spark of the Divine is what lives in all humans. Both are unconditional gifts of limitless Love. The same unconditional Love that powers the Cosmos and loves all people.      

You are invaluable because you are unique, you are literally one of a kind and there will never be another human exactly like you. This includes the 117 billion people who have lived and are currently living. Think about this estimated statistic, it’s incomprehensible. It literally boggles the imagination.  

This is why the world can never really put a value of your life because it doesn’t truly understand either value or human life. Instead, it measure’s our worth in dollars or other finite materialistic notions of worth. That’s crazy talk!

Don’t let the world reduce you to an object, a consumer, a tool of the wealthy and powerful, or any other false materialistic idea of being. You’re value is immeasurable to God and to the world, there is only one you both now and forever. When you embrace your incalculable value, you can begin to ignore all the flawed, imperfect and nefarious calculations concerning human worth because you are already worthy. God has and will always love you. You are invaluable.