The Almighty, The Prodigal Son and Two Cats: Part Two

With the passing of our Sphynx in 2020, my heart was wrecked. This deep devastation and sorrowful state would pave the way for my ego to surrender itself to God. At fifty-five, I could no longer carry the pain and suffering of a life built on sands of misplaced faith. In my sheepish service to the status quo and its stuff, I lost my soul.

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Spin: The World’s Oldest Profession

Before sin, began spin. Born from a serpent twisting words, professing half-truths, profaning God’s character and propagating doubt. Bringing deadly lies into God’s good world that would lead humanity down a path that’s never about love only about death.

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A Faith of Fear vs A Life of Love

I was blessed to be raised by parents who sincerely believe in God, and who surely believe in the unconditional love of God. A Christian home rooted in the ethic of love God and ALL your neighbors. The commandment in which the law, the prophets and the entire ministry of Jesus is summarized. Even though…

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Faith Engages Head & Heart: Watching The Chosen

Recently, my friend Jess recommended the TV series The Chosen. An adaptation and depiction of the life of Jesus based on the Gospels. A program I would have ridiculed in my past life. Not only because of my non-existent belief in God, but because my heart was closed to feeling anything outside of itself.

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