How Asking Why Saved My Life

Why is a tiny three-letter word, but it’s as powerful as any pen and as potent as any prayer. A word and a question that all of us should incorporate and invoke in our daily life. Like any good habit, it can draw us nearer to God and closer to Divine wisdom. A word that…

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Judgement, Compassion, and Jesus

Judging others is a timeless human pastime. A characteristic that transcends time and terrain. An attribute that easily entraps all people, particularly people of any faith. And each time we judge someone, we diminish ourselves, denigrate others and dishonor God. Throughout any given day, I find myself making judgements about people I know and don’t…

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Between Forty and Death: A Birthday Reflection

A life in service to Babylon and a heart in rebellion to God would ultimately betray Don. As I collected birthday after birthday, I could no longer avoid life’s reality of loss and suffering. Realizing I cannot stop the marching of time. It will trample the young and the old. Don Young and Don old.

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