Why Context is Critical and Intention is Everything

It’s a cold, gray and rainy day and I couldn’t be happier. This melancholy message might seem like a strange sentence to script, but I live in Vegas; and it’s been over 200 days since we’ve had rain; almost seven months.

An ashen atmosphere dropping dust infused droplets on a hard and harsh habitat. Streetlights still shining as they search for the sun. The air drizzly and damp and smelling like soiled soil. Precipitation picking-up this earthly powder as it propels itself east across the Mojave desert and its sea of sand. Mile upon mile of dirt, rock and sun; at least for 85% of the year.

My opening sentence seeming strange for someone who has lived the majority of his life experiencing countless cloudy Midwestern days, which is why context and intention are critically important when trying to understand another person’s words and actions. No one can read another person’s mind and no one, except for God, knows another person’s heart. The human heart accommodating both intention and desire; veiled and naked.

Because we are relational creatures and creatures who create, it’s crucial for us as families and communities that we candidly communicate and attempt to understand one another. The alternative being far worse when dialogue is lacking. Assembling assumptions that assume the worse. Leading to hatred, violence and even death.

Particularly because we live in a world that makes time only about money as opposed to making time only about caring for one another. A commerce culture that believes that humans were created to be nothing more than engines for consumption; soulless machines.

As followers of Jesus, we’re called to live relationships of true responsibility. To treat other people like we want to be treated. A life that honors God. A way of living that honors the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Understanding context and intention requires engagement to truly become responsible stewards of Love. Asking questions, being inquisitive and clear with our communication. It really is as easy as A, B, C.

This can be challenging given our own assumptions and biases and credos. It requires respect, strength, and time. R, S, T isn’t as easy as A, B, C.

When we don’t take the time to understand context or intention, we begin to make snap judgements about other people that probably aren’t accurate. Like why is someone happy that it’s raining? Well, are you talking with a farmer whose field is rain flooded or a farmer whose field is rain famished? Given the timing of the conversation, it might even be the same farmer.

While we can gain insight about one another’s intentions through their words and actions, you and I can never really know the heart of another human. Especially if we don’t engage with one another or if we label each other as enemies. Only our heart Maker knows our hearts intentions.

Even when we take the time to understand context, we need to be very, very, very careful when making judgements about what’s in the hearts of other people. Especially as we search our own heart to understand our own intentions. God repeatedly reminding us to be very, very, very cautious when determining good versus bad fruit. Jesus is very, very, very clear that WE all have blind spots and narrow vision.

I understand that good character is crucial to developing healthy and loving relationships within our own circle and within our communities, but we must always lead with love in everything that we do and with everyone we meet. Practicing compassion, mercy and humility are always helpful criteria when assessing character; just as God will use those same conditions when judging us.

Our brief desert rainfall will end. Shifting across time and terrain to join what was but is no more. Nature’s hidden reservoir refreshing itself until our next rainfall. Nevada natives once more waiting with hopeful expectation for watery pennies from heaven.

Context and intention clear. Detectable like the sun that shines 85% of the year. Discernable like the love God has for all people; intimately knowing our context and our intention.

Peace. God loves you.