Don’s Daily Devotion

March 15, 2024

Find gratitude in what you have now, not in what you want.

Don’s Daily Devotion

March 14, 2024

If charity begins at home, love begins with yourself.

Don’s Daily Devotion

March 13, 2024

Love requires abundant generosity.

Don’s Daily Devotion

March 12, 2024

Every human is a reflection of God’s love.

Don’s Daily Devotion

March 11, 2024

Our purpose is create love, not to acquire more stuff.

Don’s Daily Devotion

March 8, 2024

Love conquers both shame and fear.

Don’s Daily Devotion

March 7, 2024

Subjectification and objectification of other humans is never about love.

Don’s Daily Devotion

March 6, 2024

Begin your spiritual journey by always asking why.

Don’s Daily Devotion

March 5, 2024

God is Love, not fear and not punishment.

Don’s Daily Devotion

March 4, 2024

If charity begins at home, love begins with yourself.