Don’s Daily Devotion

February 28, 2024

The only power evil has is death and Love has conquered it.

Don’s Daily Devotion

February 27, 2024

Love is the Tree of Life.

Don’s Daily Devotion

February 26, 2024

Hate is easy, love takes work.  

Don’s Daily Devotion

February 23, 2024

Our hearts have the capacity for greed and gratitude, it’s our choice.

Don’s Daily Devotion

February 22, 2024

Miracles surround us daily, even if we don’t recognize them.

Don’s Daily Devotion

February 21, 2024

God lives in everyone. God unconditionally loves everyone.

Don’s Daily Devotion

February 20, 2024

Good doesn’t mean perfection.

Don’s Daily Devotion

February 19, 2024

Which realm do you profess ultimate loyalty too, Cesar’s or God’s?

Don’s Daily Devotion

February 16, 2024

All living things are animated by Love.

Don’s Daily Devotion

February 15, 2024

Always remember that we are both material and spiritual creatures.