Don’s Daily Devotion
When people lie trust is broken; so why trust institutions and governments who lie?
Don’s Daily Devotion
Evil enslaves us to money, to men, to our own moral frailties.
Don’s Daily Devotion
Giving my heart to God meant subjugation of my ego and I found peace.
Don’s Daily Devotion
Life is about dispersing love, not accumulating money.
Don’s Daily Devotion
If you’re finding fault with other people, start by fixing your faults.
Don’s Daily Devotion
Good is never perfect but that doesn’t mean it’s not good.
Don’s Daily Devotion
Understand Love and you’ll understand you’re greater than yourself.
Don’s Daily Devotion
Consumers use things; humans create things.
Don’s Daily Devotion
When we believe we’re God, we lose our humanity.
Don’s Daily Devotion
God doesn’t choose saints; God chooses sinners who become saints.