Don’s Daily Devotion
The creation of love begins by looking in the mirror, not to other people.
Don’s Daily Devotion
Like Truth, the path to Love begins with humility.
Don’s Daily Devotion
The path to peace is knowing that God is with you and loves you.
Don’s Daily Devotion
Everything in life is loaned except God’s love; that’s a gift.
Don’s Daily Devotion
Spiritual blindness is believing the is world only about you.
Don’s Daily Devotion
Sacrifice is earned not learned.
Don’s Daily Devotion
If you believe in generosity, there is always enough; even plenty.
Don’s Daily Devotion
Materialism is all about the me, spirituality is all about the us.
Don’s Daily Devotion
In avoiding the reality of death, you avoid the reality of life.
Don’s Daily Devotion
Hell is estrangement from Love, here or elsewhere.