Don’s Daily Devotion
If you think you know everything, you know nothing.
Don’s Daily Devotion
Evil always takes advantage of love, that’s why its evil.
Don’s Daily Devotion
A relationship with the Divine transforms you, that’s why its Divine.
Don’s Daily Devotion
Having enemies only diminishes the Love that surrounds you.
Don’s Daily Devotion
Clinging to your “truth” will prevent you from finding the Truth.
Don’s Daily Devotion
Government aren’t corrupt, but its leaders can be.
Don’s Daily Devotion
Peace is never easy, but the alternative is always worse.
Don’s Daily Devotion
The real power of Evil is when you think it doesn’t exist, even when it’s in plain sight.
Don’s Daily Devotion
When the rich and powerful seek more, it’s never about your well-being.
Don’s Daily Devotion
Unconditional love requires unconditional freedom, anything less is coercion.