Don’s Daily Devotion
History repeats itself because we ignore it’s lessons.
Don’s Daily Devotion
Our children have everything materially but have nothing spiritually.
Don’s Daily Devotion
A life of I alone matters, leads to a life of narcissism, loneliness and bitterness.
Don’s Daily Devotion
Even when we have plenty, we often hoard the plenty. I did.
Don’s Daily Devotion
While our culture wars of divisiveness rage, America gets sicker and poorer.
Don’s Daily Devotion
Faith is about creating love, it’s never about performance.
Don’s Daily Devotion
When we assign labels to ourselves, we eventually believe our identity is those labels.
Don’s Daily Devotion
The more autonomy you give to others, the sooner you become imprisoned by others.
Don’s Daily Devotion
Materialism robs us of our humanity because we waste our lives chasing stuff.
Don’s Daily Devotion
It’s said that life is stranger than fiction, that’s because life is not fiction.