Don’s Daily Devotion
Life isn’t about possessing, it’s about sharing.
Don’s Daily Devotion
Our existence is an act of love; God is love.
Don’s Daily Devotion
Life is the breath of God that fills us; Death is that same breath returning to God
Don’s Daily Devotion
Sometimes people need space, but most often what they need is grace.
Don’s Daily Devotion
When talk is cheap, words are worthless.
Don’s Daily Devotion
The world is black and white; and yellow and brown and all the colors God created.
Don’s Daily Devotion
We’re here to be caretakers, not self-takers.
Don’s Daily Devotion
No child is born hating another human; its adults that teach hate.
Don’s Daily Devotion
“Let’s get together,” are some of the saddest words ever spoken.
Don’s Daily Devotion
If you want to know anything, question everything.