Empire Medals: Why the Pursuit of Worldly Prizes Means Nothing

Last week President Biden awarded nineteen recipients with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. The Nation’s highest civilian honor, presented to individuals who have made exemplary contributions to the prosperity, values, or security of the United States, world peace, or other significant societal, public or private endeavors. As one might expect, there was “outrage” from those who disagreed with some the selected recipients. Clear in their criticism that some of these individuals don’t deserve this prestigious honor. An honor bestowed by politicians to other politicians, donors, celebrities, and whoever makes the cut.

Like all empires, the United States bestows modern day medals that imitate Babylon or Rome or whatever empire comes to mind. And like all empires, God will not allow injustice kingdoms to remain forever. America is an empire, and our government is a major perpetrator of global and domestic death and destruction.

Distracted by what really doesn’t matter (Presidential Medal of Freedom), we have lost sight of what does matter. To honor the life gifted to us by God by doing unto others. Especially those who are vulnerable, suffering or battling adversity. People like us.

I believed for most of my life that I existed to serve my country, my earthly empire. That I should aspire to be a Presidential Medal of Freedom receipt. I wanted the empire to embrace me as special and worthy of its shiny cold medals. No longer.

My parents didn’t raise a rebel without a cause. I was in many ways the all-American role model. Having done well academically, an Eagle scout and a young man deeply involved with my church. While I “believed” in God, I also believed in the moral superiority of the United States and our institutions. We the people rarely do wrong in the world; we are a beacon on a hill, a light unto the world.

I would eventually come to believe and have faith ONLY in God. Awakened from my American hallucination when I questioned the mainstream narrative, the status quo and the official uniparty line. Questioning that happened because of a series of life setbacks and a shattering of my trust with all our worldly institutions. Eyes wide open, as I began to realize that I had pledged my life’s allegiance, time, energy and faith to the empire not the Almighty.

My faith was in our ruling class, our political class and our corporate class. People susceptible to corruption, greed and hubris. People like me when I benefited from “the system.” My life’s purpose wasn’t to improve health but to sell pharmaceutical products. Ready to defend my income whenever challenged and ready to defend the system, the empire, that enriched me.

I would finally humble my repentant heart. Understanding my role in the universe and my dependence on God for all things. My wealth, my health and most of all my life.

God is love and God is life; the empire is neither love nor life.

Chasing the worldly prizes of any empire or corporation might bring you fame and fortune, but it’s all fleeting. Rust will eat medals; moths will devour the finest silk and everyone who proudly displayed their medals will die (attire NA). Their names and all their worldly successes, in service to the empire and themselves, will be erased like they never existed.

The feigned outrage from those who believe that some folks shouldn’t be given these worldly trinkets will also cease, because it doesn’t matter. This isn’t where God wants us to focus the lives given to us, because this has nothing to do about Love. Anything that’s not about Love is not about God.

What matters is never the stuff. It’s what we do with the stuff we have been given. Do we use our stuff to benefit all people or only ourselves and our tribe? Every follower of Jesus knows the answer to this question even if our hearts deceive us with our own desires.

I’m no longer trying to serve two masters who have two different views about my life’s purpose and the kingdom I should serve. Having experienced the limitations, the injustice and the lack of love by the empire I was born into, my life is now about an everlasting kingdom. An empire of doing unto others. A kingdom that will be on earth as it is already in heaven.
