Half a Mile a Day

Like so much about my about past, I had wide opinions and narrow views about life. This included politics and people; aesthetics and art; food and fun. Like so much about my now, my life has been transformed through the power of God’s grace and unconditional love for all people; people like me and people…

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Judgement, Compassion, and Jesus

Judging others is a timeless human pastime. A characteristic that transcends time and terrain. An attribute that easily entraps all people, particularly people of any faith. And each time we judge someone, we diminish ourselves, denigrate others and dishonor God. Throughout any given day, I find myself making judgements about people I know and don’t…

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Between Forty and Death: A Birthday Reflection

A life in service to Babylon and a heart in rebellion to God would ultimately betray Don. As I collected birthday after birthday, I could no longer avoid life’s reality of loss and suffering. Realizing I cannot stop the marching of time. It will trample the young and the old. Don Young and Don old.

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God’s Gift of Grace for Me, for Thee, for We

If any person, prophet, priest or preacher tells you that you’re not deserving of God’s love or that God’s grace doesn’t extend to you. They are wrong. Jesus is clear in his proclamation that the kingdom of God calls all people. There’s no exceptions, no asterisks, no legal fine print and no exclusions.

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Regrets, Grace And Reflection

Regrets, Grace and Reflection

Regrets, Grace, and Reflection: An exploration of the interconnected themes of remorse, resilience, and self-discovery. Dive into the complexities of human emotion, the transformative power of grace, and the profound insights gained through introspection and contemplation.

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